The UK Register of Learning Providers is a 'one-stop' portal to be used by government departments, agencies, learners, and employers to share key information about learning providers. The UKRLP allows providers to update their information in one place and share this across agencies such as the Skills Funding Agency, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and UCAS.

Since provider registration opened on 1st August 2005, the UKRLP has grown to over 30,000 providers. Each of these has been verified against a recognised external source and has been allocated a UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN). This is the unique identifier used to share information with the UKRLP partner agencies.


Below is a list of useful partners of the United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP)

AELP - Association of Employment and Learning Providers

AELP - Association of Employment and Learning Providers

AELP is the national trade association for vocational learning and employment providers in Britain. The majority of its 640+ members are independent private, not-for-profit and voluntary sector training and employment services organisations. Membership is open to any provider committed to quality provision and it includes over 40 Further Education colleges involved in vocational skills learning and employment.


BAC - British Accreditation Council

BAC - British Accreditation Council

BAC is a registered charity in the United Kingdom, dedicated to raising standards in private further and higher education. BAC is an independent body, established in 1984 to be the national accrediting body for private post-16 education in the UK.


CCEA - Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment

CCEA - Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment

CCEA was established on 1 April 1994 and is a non-departmental public body reporting to the Department of Education in Northern Ireland. CCEA's mission is to enable the full potential of all learners to be achieved and recognised.


BIS - Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

BIS - Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

Department for Business, Innovation & Skillsis the department for economic growth. The department invests in skills and education to promote trade, boost innovation and help people to start and grow a business. BIS also protects consumers and reduces the impact of regulation.


DfE - Department for Education

DfE - Department for Education

DfE - Department for Education is responsible for education and children's services in England. This Department works to achieve a highly educated society in which opportunity is equal for children and young people, no matter what their background or family circumstances.


Department for Education EduBase2

Department for Education EduBase2

EduBase is a register of all educational establishments in England and Wales, maintained by the Department for Education. It allows both the general public and government officials to access up to date information.


Department of Education Northern Ireland

Department of Education Northern Ireland

The Department of Education has a primary statutory duty to promote the education of the people of the north of Ireland and to ensure the effective implementation of education policy. The vision we have for the future is of an education system that is recognised internationally for the quality of its teaching and learning and for the achievements of its young people and of an education service that has at its centre a focus on the needs of children and young people.


DELNI - Department for Employment & Learning Northern Ireland

DELNI - Department for the Economy

The Department promotes economic, social and personal development through high quality learning, research and skills training and to help people into employment and promote good employment practices in Northern Ireland.


FAB - Federation of Awarding Bodies

FAB - Federation of Awarding Bodies

FAB is the trade association for vocational awarding bodies in the UK. Their vision is to represent awarding bodies as key stakeholders in a world in which high quality vocational education and qualifications are actively supported and valued.


HEFCE - Higher Education Funding Council for England

HEFCE - Higher Education Funding Council for England

HEFCE promotes and funds high quality, cost-effective teaching and research, meeting the diverse needs of students, the economy and society. HEFCE distributes public money for higher education to universities and colleges in England, and ensures that this money is used to deliver the greatest benefit to students and the wider public.


HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency

HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency

HESA is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education. It was set up by agreement between the relevant government departments, the higher education funding councils and the universities and colleges in 1993, following the White Paper "Higher Education: a new framework", which called for more coherence in HE statistics, and the 1992 Higher and Further Education Acts, which established an integrated higher education system throughout the United Kingdom.




LANTRA is the UK's Sector Skills Council for land-based and environmental industries. Lantra is an independent organisation owned and managed by its own industries and represents the interests of over 230,000 businesses and 1 million workers in the environmental and land-based industries in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Lantra works with employers and the UK's governments to address skills and productivity needs in the land-based and environmental sector.


Learning Records Service

Learning Records Service

The Learning Records Service is an IT-enabled, data-centric set of shared services, built on the principle of 'collect once, use many times' and used by all that are entitled to do so throughout the education sector. The Learning Records Service provides a suite of free products, tools and services to the whole of the education sector. This service fits within the heart of the learner experience and is designed to support learners at all levels to access, manage and use their own achievement information - such as qualifications, awards or training received as they progress through education, training and lifelong learning.




OFSTED is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. OFSTED inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.


ODLQC - Open and Distance Learning Quality Control

ODLQC - Open and Distance Learning Quality Control

Established by government in 1968, but now wholly independent, the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODL QC) is the principal body for the accreditation of open and distance learning providers in the UK.


QAA - The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

QAA - The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

QAA is responsible to safeguard quality and standards for UK universities and colleges, so that students have the best possible learning experience. They review and report on how universities meet their responsibilities, identify good practice and make recommendations for improvement.


Skills Funding Agency

Skills Funding Agency

The Skills Funding Agency is a partner organisation of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and it exists to fund and promote and support adult further education (FE) and skills training in England.


Student Loans Company

Student Loans Company

The Student Loans Company is a non-profit making Government-owned organisation set up in 1989 to provide loans and grants to students in universities and colleges in the United Kingdom. It is responsible, in partnership with Local Authorities in England and Wales, the Student Awards Agency for Scotland, the Education and Library boards in Northern Ireland, the Higher Education Institutions and HM Revenue & Customs, for student support delivery in the UK.


UCAS - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service

UCAS - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service

UCAS provide application services across a range of subject areas and modes of study for UK higher education providers. Their aim is to help students make informed choices that are right for them, guiding them, as well as their parents and advisers, through the entire higher education application process.


Welsh Government Education and Skills

The Department for Education and Skills is responsible for education and skills in Wales. They are working to raise the standards of education and training provision, attainment and infrastructure across Wales so that everyone can reach their potential; delivering a suitably skilled workforce with high-quality opportunities for all learners; supporting individuals, families, communities and businesses in improving economic and social well-being and reduce inequality through education and training.


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